Sunday, July 29, 2012


First, today's photo. "Last thing you bought".


The fruit for today is Gentleness and our sermon at church this morning was all about attitudes and how the decisions we make are based on our attitudes. Sometimes we feel like we don't have a choice, but in a number of those times our attitude is stopping us from seeing the real situation. The other thing about the decisions we make is how they are perceived by others. One thing that stood out to me in the sermon was how some decisions we make and actions we take can really offend/upset others. So we need to consider the feelings of some people before doing certain things. I know for me, my Nana never liked me to wear black things because of things she learnt earlier in her life, and when I was growing up it was really annoying to me and so I would still wear black because I could. I know now (not just from today) that this may not have been the right thing to do. It may be something insignificant, but people are important and relationships are delicate sometimes, so we should respect these little things and do our best to make people around feel loved/respected. Anyway, being gentle is one of those decisions. I always find myself telling my assistant to be gentle these days. She's little and doesn't quite understand why B-man can't play with her yet. She'll get it soon but I get so frustrated with her sometimes. I know she doesn't mean anything by poking him or whatever, but I snap. Sometimes when I'm tired it's pretty full-on. Today made me think about how I need to choose to be more gentle in my dealing with her (like Mary Poppins, firm but gentle) and I guess learn to deal with my frustration better. And that sort of leads into tomorrows fruit, but I'll leave that for tomorrow.

See you then! xo

Sorry little miss. I love you lots! 

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