Monday, September 17, 2012

Sewtember Day Seventeen - Another Funeral

A friend of mine put a comment on Facebook this morning which was a challenge for anyone interested to create something this week. I read the challenge wondering how many people would actually take it on. I feel like I am constantly creating things and while I'm at home with the kidlets, it gives me a great sense of achievement when I design and complete projects. 
This extends way back to before I was even in School. I have always loved to make things. I remember being really small, maybe 3 or 4 and I would make ponchos for my dolls by getting a piece of fabric, folding it into quarters and snipping off the corner to put the doll's head through. I also remember the my friend's mum found a pillowcase with the corner cut out for the same poncho style thing. I don't think her mum thought it was so cute though. Most of the ponchos then had a ribbon tied around the waist to hold them on. I recently found a doll here with the same kind of poncho dress and ribbon combo, in my assistant's toy box. She kindly alerted me to the fact that the doll was only wearing a piece of fabric and I should make a real dress for her...when I was little that WAS a real dress! How times have changed...

Anyway, today I went to yet another funeral. 

We heard a couple of people talking about my Great Uncle's life and even though it was hard to keep up completely - the kids were a bit distracting - I couldn't help but think of my Grandad (his brother) and how much I miss him. It's so hard when you lose someone close to you. I'm kinda over it. Hopefully there won't be anymore funerals for us in the next while. Or at all.

I got a tiny bit of sewing stuff done today, but only on the things I can't show you. I'm sorry. I know that's boring, but tomorrow I'm really hoping to get back into the place-mats and the (real) dress. I bought the rest of the things I needed to complete it today. I realised the other day that the time I set to have the dress finished is also when I have 2 kidlet's parties to host, so I'm planning to get it done in the next couple of weeks instead. Fingers crossed!

I'll leave you tonight with a few more pics of things I've made. This time shoes. Hopefully you're enjoying seeing my creations and also hearing about my life.
I hope you have a great Tuesday!! I'll catch up with you then!

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