Sunday, October 7, 2012

SWAPtober- the BIGinning

Oh how I'd like to be skinny!

I've had this plan for a while, that during October I would try a new way of losing weight and as an added bonus, be more productive too. Basically the idea was to swap "naughty" food for productive activity.

My thinking:
Based on the fact that I eat naughty foods because I feel like it and not because I'm hungry, I thought it would be simple enough to ditch them. That's not actually the case. Apparently, telling myself not to have something makes me want it more and eventually I get it and usually more of it than if I'd just had a small amount in the first place. I used to be good at not having special foods in the house, but apparently there are some things my family can't live without.

Make sense so far?

Secondly, I get a real high from completing things and when I'm busy doing something, I tend to forget about food in between mealtimes, so I thought that filling up my time with more work and creativity should stop snacking.


So, basically my plan means that every time I think about eating a special food, I need to go to one of the many projects I have going and continue work on it. The hope is that this will help me finish some more work and eat less junk, therefore making me lose weight, get stuff done and feel better about everything!

How's it all going a third of the way through October?

Really badly!

I suck at it!

I'm not getting stuff done and I'm eating the same naughty food. Why? Probably partly because hubby is on holidays and partly because I am addicted to sugar or something. Hubby doesn't like me sewing while he watches TV and being on holidays basically means if we're not out somewhere, he wants to watch something every night, and late into the night. So no sewing. Plus, he has holiday food around, because he's on holidays, so he is eating special things more and it's right here and way too accessible.

The solution:
I don't know. I guess I'll keep trying to distract myself and look forward to hubby returning to work next week so some of the naughty foods won't be here staring me in the face.

Will I lose weight? Possibly, but probably not. Definitely not as much as I'd hoped. I guess we'll soon see. I always feel so good when I finish something I've started, so why is this so hard?!

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