Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sewtember Day Eighteen - The Storm

There was a big storm at our place today. Just after I'd hung out 2 loads of washing. But I didn't mind. I love the smell of rain in Spring. It was really refreshing. I had to feel sorry for the landscaper though. He left early and wet. He did get a fair bit done prior to the storm though, so that was good. I was too busy to get out for a photo today, sorry, I'll try again tomorrow.

I have been sewing a lot today. I've finished one thing, moved on to another and even washed and hung out 2 loads of washing, washed up, made brownies for hubby and made roast beef and vegies for dinner. I feel like it's been a very productive day.

Here is a sneak peek at one of my projects. I'll show you the finished product soon.

And here is a sneak peek of the other one for today, which is a custom order for somebody.

How was you Tuesday? Have you created anything today?

I hope you have a great Wednesday! We'll be at craft with the ladies, so it should be lovely for me.

I'll see you tomorrow night!

Sweet dreams!!!

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