Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sewtember Day Nineteen - Spring has most definitely Sprung

It was most definitely Spring today, and I've decided that Spring is best spent at Great Nana's house. Her garden has the most beautiful aroma! I could have just stood there in her backyard breathing it all in for the whole afternoon. As it turned out, we played Scrabble in the sun room so we were still surrounded by the awesomeness of her garden, and the fragrance. It makes me want to sing "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin, "...From the colours of Fall to the fragrance of Spring..."  I love it! (The song and Spring, that is.)

At craft today I was helping my Aunty to put together hexies for a quilt that she is working on. It needs to be done by Christmas and it's a slow process when the only time it gets done is at craft and that's hard because my kids demand a lot of her attention. So I was helping her and it was a really nice change from my applique. I always wonder why I choose those tedious projects, I guess it's worth it in the end, but it's annoying in the process and I shouldn't start them anymore.

When we got home tonight there was a big change to the new wall.

There is a wall the whole way along...not long now 'til it's done...eeeeee!

Our landscaper must have had a much better day, weather-wise, he got a lot done. It's looking really good and I think He's hoping to have the posts for the fence in over the next day or so. How exciting!!

Oh, here is a sneak peek at my project for tomorrow...I know at least one of you knows what it will be, but for those of you who don't, just wait and you'll soon see. I'm so totally pumped about it!!! I hope it works out in real life like it does in my head. My test one was pretty close, so with a couple of minor adjustments I think the real one will be so amazingly awesome...

I'd better get to bed. My energy tank is almost empty and I do have a huge pile of work to get done in the next day or two.

Thanks for reading along!

I'll see you all tomorrow. Goodnight!


  1. That song annoys me to no end, mainly because we don't have Fall in this country!

  2. Plus the fact that it's called 'Indescribable', and yet proceeds to try and describe God. Never made sense to me!

    1. Hey Beth,
      I know, it seems silly, but it just goes to show that He is way more awesome than we can even pretend to comprehend.
      Plus, it's good to sing along to and it's better than most of the songs on the radio these days.
