Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday and the week that was...


I washed up today. Feels like an achievement considering how little of anything else I seem to be doing these days.

This week was a really good one and made me remember a few of the reasons I fell in love with my Hubby all those years ago. We spent his week off working around our house and just getting a few little niggly jobs done and out of the way. Spending extended periods of time together sometimes isn't great, but this week was fantastic and I'm not really looking forward to him going back to work in the morning and neither is he. So my week in short involved weeding, clearing, sweeping, digging, pulling, grinding, shopping, roofing, chopping, moving, fencing, chucking(rubbish not vomit), laughing and sleeping. It was pretty successful and we got more than we had planned done. Less sleeping though. It was a lovely week! 

On a completely different note, I think I want to design fabrics. I've thought about it for a couple of years now and every time I think about it or see a new range of fabrics released I want to do it more. So I guess the next thing to work out is how to go about it. Then I guess I need to actually have some designs to print. The other thing I want to do, but already sort of do, is design patterns for sewing. I have designed quite a few patterns already, but have never had them printed professionally or anything like that. I'm wondering whether PDFs might be a good idea though. I've purchased a few patterns in that format before and they seem to be pretty good. I like the idea of not needing to go to the post office when someone buys one. What  do you think? Are PDFs a good format for patterns?

Anyway, I was invited to join a fruit challenge starting today. The fruits I mean are listed in Galatians chapter 5 verse 22. The first is love. Thinking about love makes me think of my family. I'm always reminded of a verse that I, like many others, had read at my wedding, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. The challenge for me is to try and remember all of these points about love and live by them. There are one or two which are harder than the rest, so it's definitely a challenge. A good one though. Hopefully it will help me to be more Godly.

Tomorrow is all about Joy, so we'll see what happens then. I'll be back with another photo too, so I'll see you then.


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