Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sewtember Day Twenty-Five - Triumphant Tuesday

I got a fair bit done today. I even had the kids inside for most of it, which is different. I guess having my assistant occupied with small jobs like sorting my buttons into little jars really helps. What doesn't help is losing velcro! I really needed it to do something which took 4 minutes in the end, but over 2 hours was wasted looking for the velcro! Oh well, I still got stuff done, so that's the main thing.

The first thing I was working on was the cape for an order. You might have seen the "C" emblem in past posts. Well, now it's finished and in the bag ready for delivery. Woo! Here is a very quick how-to style run of pics from the next step.

Then turn through the opening at the curve and top-stitch around the whole cape.

Now try it out!

What do you think? My assistant thought it was pretty cool, so I deem it a success!

Ok, the next project for today was the flower place-mats I started a few weeks back. Here you can see where I was up to. And here is what I did today.

I think they're going to look really pretty when they're finished. Then I'll just need to wrap them.

Anyway, I'm off to watch something on TV, by myself! Hasn't happened for a while, and I'm sick of having to justify why I want to watch a particular show. I don't really care if someone else thinks it's lame. I like it.

I'll be back tomorrow with some more progress pics, I hope...

Sweet dreams!

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