Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sewtember Day Twenty-Seven - Getting things done. Or not.

The place-mats are finished! I really like them and I really don't know whether the person I made them for will. That's annoying. Anyway, here are some pics of the finished product.

I like how it looks on the back too.

Oh, I was so excited today to receive my first purchase from Spoonflower!

Cute hey?!

Have you ever been to checkout their website? I have spent many hours trawling through pages and pages of fabrics looking for...well, just looking really. Have I told you that eventually I want to design my own fabrics? Well, finding this company has just made me want it even more!

Having finished 2 projects this week, I'm becoming slightly more confident that I might actually get enough presents made for our whole family. I really don't want to shop for presents. Neither of us know what to get for people. We all have enough stuff, so whatever we give people needs to be special. And preferably "on special" if we end up buying something. So I've done at least one of the things on my list to give to our family, partly done a couple of others and only have about 23 to go....EEEK!! That's about 2.5 things per week. I know there are more weeks than that, but I also have 2 kids parties to plan and host, plus my own birthday, where I'll make myself a cake, maybe buy myself a flower and get a big hug and kiss from my family. Oh yeah, and I need to make a formal dress or 2. The other thing is that we celebrate Christmas at different times too, one of which is early in December, so some things need to be ready way before the others. I also know a bunch of people who are due to have babies in or around December, so I need to think about them too...ok, confidence gone. Oh well. Maybe when I finish something else it will be back to help me through.

I better go and get some more work done while the kids are both asleep, at the same time. Oh wait, nup not asleep any more. I better go.


Sweet Dreams!

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