Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sewtember Day Twenty-Two - Party Time!

Ok, so we celebrated 2 birthdays in our family today. One for my sister Annelise and the other for my cousin Alleyne. We went to Great Nana's for a party and caught up with everyone and ate a lot of food.

I know, everyone just wants to see the presents...Ok, seeing as Annelise was born first, here is hers.

 Annelise already has a couple of these shirts, but she said if I kept making them she'd love it, so that's what happened. Happy Birthday Annelise! Love you lots!!

Now, here is the one I've been working on for Alleyne. It took some time to get the design just how I wanted it and I think it was totally worth the effort.
Do you remember the gift I made for my Dad? Hint: It was a mini-quilt... This is related to that one.


I love it!
I'm not really into Dr Who, but I'm totally tempted to make one of these for myself. Haha.
Maybe I'll try some other forms too. Postman Pat's van was suggested, or maybe something else. Who knows. Maybe one day when I get the time to make something for myself I'll think about it a little more.

I had the just enough thread to complete the phone cover. Phew!

Here they are with there presents. They loved them! It was such a great afternoon!

Tonight was our 10 year high school reunion...more about that tomorrow.

And this is what I was working on this morning before all of the party stuff.

Next step: applique! But that's a job for tomorrow, I think.
Shouldn't be too long before it's complete.
Yay for semi-quick projects!

Oh, our fence is back up and the wall is done! Looks so great!!

And the puppy is home. Awww. Isn't he cute!

Anyway, it was a big day and I need some sleep. I'll see you all tomorrow!

Sweet dreams!

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