Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sewtember Day Twenty - Ugh!

I had a really good day today. My assistant was visiting her buddy next door for most of the day (Thanks Rach) so I was able to start and complete a whole project. It was fantastic. It's a present for my cousin's birthday though, so I won't be able to show you until Saturday night. I think it's great, so I hope she likes it too.

Our landscaper did a huge amount today too, almost all of the fence post are in and ready for the fence now. There are a couple more rocks to put on to bring up the level of the wall in a couple of places and then it's done. Unfortunately I didn't get out to take a picture before night time, so I'll have to post a new one tomorrow.

Tonight my parents and I had set up a skype date, but they couldn't hear me at all. Apparently the microphones don't work on my computer, so that sux.
And just to boost my mood (not), I felt a piece of fluff on my chest and when I grabbed it, not even thinking twice, I realised it wasn't fluff.
It was a grasshopper!

So I went from having an excellent and productive day to spending a couple of hours tonight trying to fix a problem that is not fixable (apparently) and feeling totally bummed out plus I now have the heebie-jeebies (shiver).
Boo hoo!

Oh well, hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'm going to see my big brother. He'll give me a hug and make it all better, I'm sure.

Thanks for reading, I'll try to be more positive tomorrow night. 
Have a good Friday!

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