Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Triumphant Tuesday.

My Addiction.
I know I'm addicted. And here are some ways you can tell...

1. I can't go anywhere without touching fabric items, in shops, in cars, in houses...anywhere!

2. I dream about how I can use certain pieces of fabric and which colours to put together.

3. You know I'm addicted because I use my childhood dolls house to store more fabrics.
(Hey Beth, did you spot the yak?)

4. You can tell I'm addicted to fabric because I get depressed if I don't get to look at them for more than a couple of days.

5. You know I'm addicted to fabric because the plans for extending my house are based around the amount of space I need for my sewing room.

6. You know I'm addicted to fabric by the way I mention designers by their first names when I'm looking at fabrics I want to buy.

7. You can tell I'm addicted to fabric by the way I have started to store it in the TV cabinet in the lounge room.

8. You can tell I'm addicted to fabric by the fact that my 2 year old knew how to use pins by 12 months and scissors by 2 years.

9. You can tell I'm addicted to fabric when I talk about Jelly rolls and Layer cakes with out getting hungry.

10. And finally (Well, not really, the list could keep going all night) You can tell I'm addicted to fabric by my constant need for more, whether it be recently released ranges, op-shop finds or off-cuts from friends.

I'm not ashamed! I will keep buying more and I will keep using it. I will TRY and keep it in my new sewing room (when I get it), but probably won't. I will always love it and never tire of looking at new ranges as they become available.

Now you know a little more about me, I look forward to hearing more about you.

But for now, I'm off to dream about fat quarters and charm packs.

Until tomorrow...


(The above images are all photos of my fabrics, but are not photos of all my fabrics...*wink wink)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously. No mention?

    Love it Amanda - I knwo you're addicted to fabrics because you spend hours at craft shows.
